Win a trip to New Zealand with Iati
Is New Zealand on your bucket list? Would you love to win a trip to New Zealand with Iati? Then enter the #conIATIalfindelmundo giveaway, you will find all the details in this post. The prize Iati is giving away two trips: one…
Jucy campervan Giveaway
Have you ever dreamed of winning a trip in a giveaway? We won the rental of a jucy in the glampavan competition: one week rental in the USA with lots of goodies. If you have followed us in the last weeks you have already…
AtoZ: F is for Fowler’s Oysters
Last year in New Zealand, we drove to Bluff in the South of the South Island and there one of the most famous things is the Fowler’s Oyster. We stopped at a place which was filled with truckers (that’s always a good…
A Sunday in Bay of Islands – farmers’ market Kerikeri
A year ago we were enjoying our first days of our honeymoon in New Zealand. We spent the first week in the North (of the North Island). Well, we drove up to the very North, Cape Reinga, but we also enjoyed…
Europe, Friesland, Germany, getting Dutch, Liam, maternity, New Zealand, Oceania, Our life, The Netherlands
2013 in 12 pictures
I started writing this post a month ago and I always put the same excuse for not having the time to write/publish: Liam. January / Enero Last year January was really cold in The Netherlands, but I started to look for…
Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Cambodia, Destinations, India, Israel, New Zealand, Oceania, South Africa, Thailand, USA, Vietnam
P is for “planning is as much fun as travelling”
Hoy no lo voy a dedicar a ningún destino, sino a la planificación del viaje. Quizás sea una obsesa de la planificación. Es a lo que me dedico en mi vida no viajera, a desarrollar y mejorar sistemas de planificación y análisis de la…
N is New Zealand, the basics to start your trip
¿Estáis pensando en ir a Nueva Zelanda? No os podéis perder lo que yo considero los básicos para empezar el viaje. Lo primero que hicimos nosotros fue ir al “Auckland visitor center” y conseguir lo siguiente: – una tarjeta sim prepago…
AtoZ: G is for Great Walks
Después de regresar de Nueva Zelanda, nuestra backet list tiene un elemento más: # completar los nueve Great Walks. Los nueve Great Walks son: Tongariro Northern Circuit, Lake Waikaremoana Track y Whanganui Journey en la Isla Norte, Milford Track, Routeburn Track, Kepler Track, Heaphy Track and Abel Tasman…
AtoZ: F is for Food
Hoy es el turno de la F de Food (comida). Cuando viajamos nos gusta utilizar los cinco sentidos: vista, oído, olfato, tacto y gusto. El post de hoy trata de descubrir nuevas culturas y países a través de la comida. Today…
Skydiving: fear made fun
First thing that comes into people’s head when they heard the word skydiving is “why the hell would someone jump out of perfectly working airplane?”. There’re many reasons to not do it, but one to go ahead: “make fun out of…