January summary and travel dilemma: help us decide where to go!!
January is in term of traveling a quiet month for us. Normally, it’s high season at Paul’s work and we’re just back from Xmas holidays. Nevertheless, we have visited both travel fairs, reisbeurs in Utrecht and FITUR in Madrid. Yes, our first…
AtoZ: A is for Alberta, Canada
Hoy empiezo el “A to Z Challenge”, que consiste en escribir un post cada día (excepto los domingos) con un tema que corresponda a la letra del día (de la A a la Z). ¡Vamos a ver si tengo suficiente disciplina…
Win a trip to Canada: “I love Ontario with G Adventures”
¿A quién no le gustaría viajar a Ontario? Ahora teneís la posibilidad de conseguir un viaje gratis con G Adventures. Who would not want to travel to Ontario? Now you have the chance to get a free trip with G Adventures.…