Babywearing selfie-WW/MM
We love babywearing selfies! Here the second time I carried Liam on the back. Happy wordless Wednesday! Nos encantan los babywearing selfies. Esta es la segunda vez que porteo a Liam en la espalda. Feliz Miércoles Mudo
The first solid bite
We have just started the baby led weaning (Rapley method), Liam gets steamed vegetables and fresh fruit in pieces and he eats them by himself. So far the only thing he doesn’t like much is cauliflower. Hemos empezado la introducción de…
Chilling in the beach – mm/ww
Two weeks ago Noppies (a Dutch brand of baby, kids and maternity cloths) asked for pictures in the beach. They were giving a swimwear item away. I had some pictures from Tenerife but I was doubting if sending a lief, stoer…
Rolling over, baby – MM/WW
Even though he can roll over from the tummy to his back since he was 6 weeks, he doesn’t roll over yet from his back to his tummy. Probably because he really hates to lay on the tummy. Aunque ya…
Back to work – MM – ww
Last Monday it was my first day at work after 4,5 months of maternity leave (and extra holidays). And to start as a worried working mom, Liam got chicken pox!! Despues de cuatro meses y medio de baja de maternidad (y…
Our little pumpkin – wordless Wednesday
Just three days before Liam was born, Paul and I had a “full belly” photoshoot. I had a lot of ideas in my mind and I even bought a pumpkin as a photo prop. When my sister came to visit we…
Jucy’s Glampavan of Love competition
Here is our video for jucy’s Glampavan of Love competition. We would love to celebrate our little pumpkin’s 1st birthday (and mom’s 34th) by cruising in a jucy in California. If you want to enter the competition, check win with jucy, the competions…
Like father, like son – wordless Wednesday
When Liam was born, we an album of the first year of Paul made by his mother, so I’ve tried to recreate one of those old picture of Paul with Liam. First the original picture. Cuándo nació Paul su madre nos…
Today I flew for the first time
Nuestro peque ya ha montado en avión con tan sólo 8 semanas. Volamos a Madrid él y yo sólos, Paul se quedó en Holanda trabajando y de ahí que as fotos sean selfies hechas con la tablet. La verdad es que…
Europe, Friesland, Germany, getting Dutch, Liam, maternity, New Zealand, Oceania, Our life, The Netherlands
2013 in 12 pictures
I started writing this post a month ago and I always put the same excuse for not having the time to write/publish: Liam. January / Enero Last year January was really cold in The Netherlands, but I started to look for…