AtoZ: D is for Dúmkes
Echte Fryske Dúmkes are the most tipical cookie from Friesland (The Netherlands). Dúmkes mean thumbs and the are called so because the baker immediately after baking them used to press his thumb into the still soft dough to put his “signature” and give them a special form.
Echte Fryske Dúmkes son las galletas más típicas de Friesland (Holanda). Dúmkes significa pulgar y se llaman así poque el panadero presionaba las galletas con su pulgar para as’i darles su particular “sello de identidad”.

Fryske Dumkes are hard cookies with aniseed and almonds. If you ask for a coffee in Friesland, it will be most probably be accompanied with a fryske dumke.
Las fryske dumkes son galletas duras hechas con anis y almendras. En Friesland suelen acompañar al café en casi todos los bares y restaurantes.

I love their flavor! I bought a bag to be able to take pictures and I almost finished it before I took a picture 🙂
La verdad es que a mí me encantan y casi me acabo la bolsa que compré antes de hacer las fotos 🙂

They look yummy!! Nice blog you have here:-) Love the quote in your heading – so true. Will pop by again:-) Happy atoz:-)
N J Magas
Hard cookies and coffee are the best! This probably goes all the way back to my cookies and milk days, but a nice sweet cookie soaking in a frothy coffee on a chilly afternoon sounds divine to me. Your last picture had me wishing that it wasn’t midnight here.
Recuerdo probando esas galletas cuando estuve en Holanda…bueno en general hasta Chile llegan algunas de las conocidas galletas holandesas que son exportadas!
e.a.s. demers
They definitely look tasty…not sure I would have been able to contain myself long enough to get any pictures taken 🙂
Rhonda Albom
The dumkes sound pretty good, but either way they come with a coffee, so it’s a win.