April summary: Madrid, Cuenca and new travel plans
I can’t believe that it’s already May!! In the past, April and May were the months we travelled the most. For example, six years ago I was in Cochin, India, and eight years ago in Hoi An, Vietnam. It stills seems like it was yesterday. But before I review all the past years here is the April summary
April summary
The past month, I flew with the kids to Madrid where we spent two weeks at “hotel abuela” 😀 I love to take the kids to Madrid and enjoy from all the (tourist) attractions. This time we visited Europa Park in Torrejon de Ardoz, something similar to Madurodam in The Netherlands but with bigger copies of the monuments. The great part of this park is that the entry is completely free and there’re lots of activities for the kids, from rowing in a little boat to a zip line for an affordable price.
We also visited the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid and I can confirm that the Dinosaur fever has arrived, ha,ha,ha. This museum has two parts, one with dissected animals (I have mixed feelings about it) and one part with fossils and dinosaur skeletons. For sure a nice spot for dinosaur lovers 😀
We spent also every evening in a park close to home and enjoyed the nice weather. It was so good that I ad to buy summer clothes for all of us. I also took advantage from the bank holidays and drove to Cuenca. A city that has been for a while in my bucket list. What is it special about Cuenca? Well, the city is built on top of a cliff and the houses are carved in the stone. Really nice to see. You can see some of the pictures Liam took there in the post Cuenca through the eyes of toddler.
We also had time to visit la Ciudad Encantada, a Natural Site of National Interest where you can meet and learn karst geological process and admire his whimsical formations. The kids loved to walk around and climb the rocks and into the tunnels.
Back in The Netherlands, we tried not to get frozen and drove to a nearby farm to see tulips. I was expecting to see more of the tulips fields from the air, but probably we landed from the wrong direction.We’re flying again this Saturday, so I’ll try again my luck.
Most popular picture in Instagram
Our most popular picture in Instagram from April is the one from the Museo Paleontologico in Cuenca. I knew it was closed on Monday but also that they have some dinosaurs outside. Luckily the doors to the parking were open and we could walk around the building. Liam was already impressed with dinosaurs outside. A good reason to come back to Cuenca and see inside of the museum.
Travel plans
May seems like a busy travel month, also because I’m leaving again for two weeks to Madrid. I most probably will spend a long weekend in Oliva, just south of Valencia. Camping and beach for three days as I can’t wait to escape the cold Dutch weather.
I’m really looking forward to the nice weather and the camping. We have slept one night in the caravan and it was really cold. Not a surprise when outside it’s just 5 degrees. As we really want to try the caravan for a long weekend before our trip to Slovenia, I’ve booked Ermerstrand for the long weekend of Whit Monday! It’s a camping close to Emmen and it was just 25€ for the 4 nights!! I saw the action in ticketveiling.nl and I couldn’t resist. We can visit Slagharen (I also bought the tickets via ticketveiling.nl for as little as 6,5€) and Wildlands, or just relaxed at the beach of the camping. Let’s see what the weather is doing. But I’m sure we won’t get bored.
We have one more long weekend, the one from the ascension day. That one we want also go camping with the caravan, probably to Beekse Bergen, but I haven’t booked it yet. Has anyone been there? Is it a nice camping? The idea of going on Safari seems cool for the little ones. What else can you do around Beekse Bergen?
Pimp the caravan
Oh, I haven’t mentioned it, but I started a new project: new interior in the caravan. Also one of the reasons I had less time for the blog. I wanted to ask my aunt to help me with the sewing, but at the end, I already have done the half of the covers for the cushions myself. I want to finish the other half of the cushions and the curtains before the end of this month. Let’s see if I can do it! If you haven’t seen the picture on facebook, here I have a preview of the interior. What do you think?
This is all for this month. So tell me where have you been? Do you have any travel plans for May?
Rhonda Albom
I figured that dinosaur fever had arrived at your family from your last post (a couple of extra dino photos 🙂 ) Europa Park looks like a great place for kids. I like the new covers in the caravan – they freshen it up nicely.
Agness of Fit Travelling
Wonderful photos! It seems like you are having unforgettable experiences!